
Ewangan Elatia Self-Help Group was formed in 2008 in response to the significant challenges of poverty faced by our community. Initially, we started with ten members, despite some reluctance from others, to create a support network aimed at uplifting our living standards. We began with a simple “merry-go-round” savings scheme, where each member contributed 20 shillings, along with 1 kg of sugar and tea leaves each month, to purchase essential utensils for one another. Over seven years, this collective effort helped us acquire not only kitchenware but also bedding, significantly improving our quality of life.

In 2015, we decided to formalize our efforts by registering as a self-help group, allowing our membership to grow to 14. We opened a bank account and increased our monthly contributions to 500 shillings, introducing a table banking system that involved bi-monthly meetings. Each member began saving 50 shillings at every meeting, fostering a culture of savings and financial responsibility.

Our Vision

To create self-sufficient community where every member has access to opportunities for education, economic growth, and environmental sustainability, fostering resilience and a brighter future for generations to come.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower members of the Ewangan Elatia Self-Help Group through collective savings, sustainable projects, and community engagement, enhancing the living standards of our families while promoting environmental stewardship and social responsibility.